Sunday, December 11, 2011


On Sundays, I try to get my act together for Monday. I try to use Sundays as a 'production day' since I know customers usually do not call me for orders on Sundays. Dont get me wrong, I will take the order if they did call tho.
So for this morning, I am busy bagging up incense (mango tango incense to be exact). Then bagging up more of the Christmas Coal and probably making more coal later on in the day. I also need to start working on my Christmas card list. I am hoping to do that by the end of next week.

I am hoping that I can get my friend Chandria to visit when she gets off work this evening at Planet K. She is such a huge inspiration to me. I call her my "Official Un-Employee". She doesnt work for me but I wish I could afford to hire her.

This is an OLD pic of Chandria & I from years ago.
Chandria has the pretty blue hair.
And I have the almost empty beer glass in my hand. Its a totally unflattering pic of me.
Chandria was a little overdressed to hang out in a bar during SXSW
 but she was on her way to her brothers wedding in San Antonio.

Chandria usually comes over, we will have dinner and a beer. Ok, I am usually the beer drinker. But she gets on a 'Dr. Pepper high' (yea, that is what we are calling it) and we start talking about all kinds of funny stuff. And most of the time, I will come up with a kooky idea for a product. Sometimes it works out--other times it doesnt. Other times, we just hang out and have a good time. I do love her company. We have known each other since she was about 15 years old.

I am trying to bribe her and her boyfriend Phil with Turkey Wraps for dinner if they show up. We will see if it works or not. I will let you know.

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